Damn It
I am the worst friend ever. ahaha 3 weeks later.. pictures from Joe's bday..
I had them uploaded to my computer... then I had to erase everything from my hard drive bc my computer was barely running..THEN I couldn't find my camera... then I forgot about it for, like, a week.. I found my camera last night and just spent about an hour looking for the USB cord (which was under my computer chair?) Wow.
So to (maybe) make up for the decade delay, I'll add one of his fav youtubes.
Does Von Smith sell posters???
Speaking of Von... does anyone know Vaughn? (item left)
kk Joe's Birthday. (now i have to figure out wheretf my phone is so he can find these)
(pppspsppsssss: I think I'll put these on facebook too if you want to get them there)
*click continue reading*
Bag Lady!!!
haha what was this? i look like I crawled out of a swamp
(thanks asssssssss)
I'm pretty sure Jeff was drunk before he got there (i couldn't decode what he was saying)
Daaaamnnnnn itttt... you can't really see Window Dancer and I still don't have photoshop installed to fix him... i know Michele has a better shot
Best 3 pictures of my life so far::::::::::
He's bringing schweaty back
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