photos and other nonsense

Friday, March 30, 2007

Even more food and where I sleep

Yesterday I went to Walmart. The place was nearly empty.. not even one oldie to get a picture of.

This is how I sleep

wow yeah I can't read that shit either.

also if anyone who sees this knows this guy on the left, please tell me his name

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Old People Country Boofay

The most sanitary place to eat West of Albuquerque.

(old people pix after the link)

I was mildly obsessed with this old woman munching up a storm in her...could that be a Hoverround?

"What in the Hell are you doing"

I was actually aiming for the John Deer hat in the far back, but instead i captured these sweet munch-in-motions

I got tacos and ...mac and cheese...

So basically the same crap I threw out last night.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What's in my fridge?

This can only be described as delicious.

Taco stuff from... December 2006?

I swear it was moving

This looked just as gross when I made it... over a month ago?

I have never eaten cottage cheese so this must be Rhonda's (my sister not the P is R lady)

I promise not to eat this...

I couldn't stop myself from opening this.. What does sour cream smell like when it goes bad????

Apparently exactly the same... unless that freshness seal was working overtime

Some old ass dressing.

I thought I threw these bastards away!!!!!


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Fines are Doubled

Under construction...

I'll dedicate my first post to Rhonda from the P is R.

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