photos and other nonsense

Saturday, June 23, 2007

I moved way too soon

Texans fight proposed sites to host 'body farm'

June 17, 2007

HOUSTON - There are a lot of necessary but unpleasant things -- landfills and chemical plants, for example -- that can cause homeowners to rush to the local zoning board to declare, "Not in my back yard!"

But some folks in the small central Texas city of San Marcos recently dodged the ultimate NIMBY nightmare: a forensic-research facility comprising dozens of dead human bodies left out in the open to rot.,0,715245,full.story

O: where I lived
X: where dead ppl were supposed to hang out

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Will your stinky ass call me please... I never know whentf to call you with the time difference crapppp.

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Better Than Raisins

NEVER eat grapes in the dark... as I'm doing right now. I haven't eaten a grape since sometime in the 90s (as I don't like fruit) however, lately, I've been on some odd quest to find an edible earth candy.. SO. Last time I chose pears... at first I thought "THESE ARE DA BEST" ... the rest of them depleted into tiny leather shoes in my fridge. Now I'm on grapes..the purple ones..
Did I even have a point to typing this... OHH yeah.. Since Bush Sr. was still in office last time I tried these, I had completely forgotten about.... the shriveled grape... I hit one..yeah... tiny, deflated... and tastes the way rotten dairy smells. OHHH so I stuff 10 more grapes in there to cover the taste of the cadaver grape and OHHH I hit another one. Dungeon bedroom + grape = NEVER AGAIN!!!!

I am sleep-high at the moment (meaning it's been 30+ hours since my last snooze) which explains why a shriveled grape is worth typing about.


I think I'll hit up the melon aisle next...


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Thursday, June 21, 2007

lol... Oh Damn

nvm @ Cedar Point

Girl's feet severed on ride at Six Flags in Kentucky

(CNN) -- A girl's feet were cut off Thursday when a free-fall thrill ride malfunctioned at the Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom Amusement Park in Louisville, Kentucky, police said.

A cord wrapped around the 16-year-old's feet and severed them at her ankles while she was on the "Superman Tower of Power," a police dispatcher said. The girl was taken to a local hospital.

Cedar Creek Mine Ride 4 lyfe!!!!!


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Somehow I fell asleep within an hour of this...

I think I would like to go to Cedar Point sometime soon (as if I can afford to) so I took a look at their site a few minutes ago... I have lbs of beef with their coaster rating system... It's a 1-5.. One being you can take a nap here and Five being an arrrrrgressive thrill

First I noticed the Gemini being a 5... and I thought..ooook.. I can see why.. since, if I remember correctly, this thing sounds like it was built in the 1800s and feels like it could snap in half at any moment...

"Gemini has given more rides than any other operating roller coaster at Cedar Point. Since 1978, the twin tracks have taken nearly 82 million guests on the ride of their lifetime."

I'm pretty sure it had shorter lines than the Matterhorn..

THEN this ride is... A FOUR? I don't think this POS maxed out above 35 and it went SLOWER over the hills... an evening jog would be more thrilling.

But again...
"Nealry 62 million guests have ridden the Cedar Creek Mine Ride since its debut in 1969 with 846,716 riding in 2006."
... adding that special near-death experience with every ride.

and finally

I hope they still have Dippin' Dots

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I didn't realize Bob Evans was a living, breathing, human being... but I will miss him anyway.

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Bob Evans, whose quest for quality sausage to serve the truckers who filled his 12-stool, 24-hour-a-day steakhouse in southeast Ohio led to the creation of a restaurant chain that bears his name, died Thursday, Bob Evans Farms Inc. said. He was 89.

Evans died at the Cleveland Clinic about 12:30 p.m., Evans' family told the company. Bob Evans Farms Inc. said last week that he was being treated at the hospital for pneumonia.

Evans complained that he could not get good sausage for the restaurant that he started after World War II in Gallipolis in southeast Ohio.

A late RIP to Colonel Sanders as well.


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Sunday, June 17, 2007

John Quinones

I think I will put these here.. They were going to be part of a toon comic funn-eh thing... but I'm pretty sure I am the only person who could possibly understand wtf is going on in them SO I'm going to say R.I.P to the project right herrrererrre.

Please have Sad Eyes by Robert John playing in your head for this post...

To any irl people who pay attention to this and wonder what's uppp I have a super strange sleeping pattern right now so..yeah... I'm asleep when you call and you're likely asleep when I see your call.

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